I recently had the chance to re-watch the Hallmark Channel movie "You Lucky Dog", starring Natasha Henstridge and Harry Hamlin and find that I love this little TV movie even more the second time around. You Lucky Dog is a sweet story of a NYC fashion designer (Natasha Henstridge) who returns home to the family farm and rescues a sheep herding dog, Lucky. Needless to say, they have adventures, she finds love, and there is a dog competition at the end! And, of course, Natasha wears handmade jewelry by Peggy Li Creations, selected especially for her because she loves green and golds (to go with her eyes and blond hair). Natasha, the star of Species and The Secret Circle, once thought of as the ultimate blonde bombshell, does a fabulous job as a warm and caring mature woman who fights for what she wants. I think it's great that she's evolving her career and taking on these more complex roles!
Beautiful Natasha wears the following
handmade jewelry by Peggy Li Creations:
Natasha Henstridge wearing earrings by Peggy Li Creations. These are the
Champagne Wishes Earrings.
Find an airtime and more about the movie here at the Hallmark Channel website for
You Lucky Dog! The Hallmark Channel reruns this movie pretty frequently -- I hope you check it out.