We set off early once again and luckily it wasn't quite as cold as the day before. I did my "surgical strike" of the Holidome show and then it was off to the most elite of the shows in Tucson, AGTA.
AGTA, like GJX, had a pretty thorough registration proceedure, requiring credentials, stickers, and being scanned as you went from room to room. And no wonder -- there were exhibits of some of the most amazing jewels! There were examples of the most high-end, artisan ready to wear jewelry, one of my favorites being Todd Reed's use of diamonds and oxidized metals. After being dazzled by the gemstones at AGTA, I was ready to put the beads to bed and enjoy the rest of my time in Tucson. That meant more golf and the excellent truffle fries at Zin Burger!

Thanks, Tucson!
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