Peggy Li Creations in the SF Chronicle!

Peggy Li Creations is featured in the Sunday March 27, 2011 issue of the San Francisco Chronicle (my home city paper) in the Style section! Had a great interview with the writer, the multi-talented Jeannie Matteucci. Turned out we had a ton of stuff in common (including the same hometown, can you believe it?). It was fun, and at times difficult, to think back to the beginnings of and remember the struggles, dreams and hopes that starting your own business can bring. It's been a great ride and I've loved sharing with you all my designs and debuts, big hits and blunders, and am so grateful to have made it this far.

Read the article: Peggy Li's 'Real' Job: Jewelry Maker

It can be a lonely task to run your own business. Sometimes it helps to stop, think about what you've accomplished, and try not to be intimidated/afraid/discouraged by what else is out there. I've been lucky to have a creative outlet that is also a business that equals... more creative freedom! But, ultimately, it comes down to my fabulous customers who support me and encourage me.

Thank you!